
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Are we now awake?

Sometimes I think of life as countless journeys, or Odysseys, or cycles, and of course starting from birth, and some treks are short and eventful, others are long and may be filled with experiences and learning, and some wanderings take you in a loop and you find yourself returned, no wiser, no better, only poorer for the loss of so much time. So in life we meet new people, and if life is good, we share our experiences, our spiritual travels, and in this sharing sometimes we meet someone who has walked many journeys of fulfillment that has made this person better, while other times we are the ones sharing the journeys of enlightenment. Some early trips may be to hilltops, and we meet many others along the path, coming and going, later in life we may be climbing taller mountains, and meet not so many along the way, but those that we meet we pause to share the secrets of mountain climbing, some tips learned may save your life later as you get closer to the peak. Maybe you meet a few returning from the peak, some with great joy that tell you of the splendid view from top, others may tell that this peak was a challenge, but it really isn't a big mountain, so save your glee for the other taller and more challenging mountain climbs that are still out there. And life is such, we all find ourselves in a different place, none have made it to the tallest of peaks, most don't even dare, but some, with happy hearts, keep looking over the horizon for another wondrous mountain that we set our sights on. And life can be like that, seeking God, yet never kidding ourselves into thinking we are atop Everest and our traveling days are over, for seeking God is a lifetime journey, especially when we remember that each step along the way can be a miracle in itself, if only we are awake and have ears to hear and eyes to see.

Bro. Bartleby

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Dear Brother Bartleby!