
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Take a Scientist to Church Week

This is dedicated to all the scientist who also happen to be atheist:

"IF" there were a God/Creator, could we call "Him/Her/It" a loving God if he has duped all of you scientist into spending your entire earthly lives minutely examining His/Her/It's Creation, while you, not even receiving a comforting Cosmic pat on your collective heads in acknowledgment for doing all this labor for free?

And is it fair that while the non-scientist diddle their lives in cushy comfort while pondering the results of your free labor, without even acknowledging said labor, only because the results of your labor verify the existence of their Creator?

Of course I cannot offer a Cosmic pat on your heads, but in matters of fairness, I can offer this proposal, a "Take a Scientist to Church Week" as a grand thank you to all scientist, especially those that happen to be atheist, for your continuing free labor of which each new "discovery" only makes us nonscientist gush (and blush) at the continuing revelations of the ever more intelligence of our grand Designer -- God.

Bro. Bartleby

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